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How to Identify Parasite Infections 

Telehealth allows us to reach our patients wherever they are in the world, so we can focus on ailments like chronic fatigue, hormone imbalance, and inflammation and not be bothered by location.

Understanding Parasite Infections

You don’t have to visit an exotic location to develop a parasitic infection. Every year, millions of Americans become hosts to different parasites from contaminated salad bars, their pets and raw or undercooked protein. Many don’t even realize they’re infected!

Luckily, most infections are treatable! You can get rid of these unwanted guests with the right supplements and support plan. Let’s uncover common causes and symptoms, our preferred tests, and how we help you get back to balance after a parasitic infection.

Common Symptoms of Parasite Infections

Parasite infections can manifest through various symptoms, including:

  • Digestive issues (bloating, gas, diarrhea, or constipation)
  • Chronic fatigue and low energy
  • Unexplained weight changes (gain or loss)
  • Skin irritations or rashes
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Brain fog and difficulty concentrating
  • Anxiety and mood swings
  • Food cravings, especially for sugar and carbohydrates

How Parasites Are Contracted

Parasites can enter the body through:

  • Contaminated food or water
  • Undercooked meat and seafood
  • Poor hygiene and handwashing practices
  • Contact with infected individuals or animals
  • International travel to areas with poor sanitation
GI parasites

Identify Parasites: Stool Tests Tell All!

If you or your kids experience persistent symptoms or they get worse, it’s time to seek help. We start by identifying the parasite with several tests based on your symptoms:

  • Stool test: Fecal samples are collected and checked if you have diarrhea, watery stools, cramps, gas, or other stomach issues.
  • Blood test: Some parasitic infections can be suspected with a functional blood chemistry test, but not all. While there is no blood test that can look for all infections, we often use our clinical experience to know when and how to cleanse.

Once we know if a parasite is suspected, it’s time to cleanse and heal.

How to Naturally Kill Parasites in Your Body

There are many conventional medicines that rid the body of parasites, but we suggest tried-and-true natural methods first. Plants and herbs like raw garlic, clove, oregano, rosemary, cayenne, ginger, and grapefruit seed have been used for centuries to flush parasites out thanks to their anti-microbial properties. Fresh plants and herbs are great but concentrated oils and supplements may be more efficient.

Do an herbal parasite detox cleanse! Join us for our next Full Moon Parasite Cleanse

Next, we work to repair any damage the parasite has done to your gut. A strong gut biome will also protect against future infections or minimize symptoms. As you recover from a parasitic infection, it’s best to avoid sugar and complex carbohydrates, add anti-microbial foods into your diet, and get proper hydration and sleep.

Parasitic infections can be serious when left untreated. If you think you may have a parasite, schedule an appointment with one of our doctors. We’ll help you become parasite-free with The Infinity Way™️ and create a custom support plan to get you back to balanced!

Take Control of Your Health

If you suspect a parasite infection, don’t wait to take action. Infinity Wellness Center offers personalized treatment plans to help you eliminate parasites and reclaim your health.

Ready to Start Your Journey to Recovery? Take the First Step Today!

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