Meet Brooke Carter
Certified Life and Health Coach in Austin, TX

Professional Background and Expertise
Brooke is a Certified Life and Health Coach. She helps clients achieve their personal goals with mindful practices and self-love. Brooke will help you gain the confidence to trust your own decisions! She identifies what slows you down and helps you overcome it to live your best life with passion – on purpose and unapologetically.
During her successful journey of beating breast cancer, Brooke has had to learn how to make herself a priority. She understands that life can knock you down, it can affect your physical and emotional health, and sometimes feel unbearable while dealing with chronic illness. Through your healing journey, she’ll be your biggest cheerleader while still holding you accountable.
Brooke also knows going from 0 to 100 is not sustainable; her programs get results because she establishes new baselines and habits that you adopt long-term. She firmly believes in progress, not perfection, and takes great pride in her clients’ successful journeys. Brooke Carter specializes in helping clients achieve personal goals, and gain confidence, self-trust, and self-love in order to live their best life. She’s accepting new patients.